Saturday 27 June 2009


About a month ago, I was exhibiting my Cymbals and Gongs at The Chicago Drum Show in the USA. The show is a "Vintage and Custom" event, with plenty of tasty exhibitors complemented by hordes ravenous visitors.

It was great to meet all the different people there but the stand-out by far for me was Will Calhoun; meeting him and watching him play the drums. Will is a Grammy Award winner and the drummer for, among others, Living Colour. He's also a wonderful, charming, humble and down-to-earth bloke.

I had a couple of Living Colour albums in my collection, but I must confess that I'd never really paid much attention to Will as a drummer. What I saw in Chicago, however, really knocked my socks off! The bit I managed to video doesn't do it any kind of justice.

Before Will's drum performance, mid-setting up, I was demonstrating one of my small gongs to some people at my booth. Next thing I know, Will is not on the far side of the hall setting up any more, but he's stood right in front of me. "What did you just play!?" The man has got an ear for sounds!

Fast forward a bit, to a couple of weeks ago. Back home in England, I'm going down to London for a couple of days for another music trade / public show. It just so happens that Will Calhoun is touring with his HeadFake duo with bass player Doug Wimbish and is playing in London. It was great to catch up with Will again, and to be introduced to Doug. Once again, I was wowed. Double or morefold this time. Those 2 can make one hell of a lot of noise for a duo! Very skilled use of triggered loops and live sampling, virtuoso playing and both guys singing their asses off. Some good rockstar gurning from Doug too. Awesome!

I'm looking forward to the up-coming Living Colour tour now. Something I've just got to catch...