Sunday 19 September 2010

Everybody wants hi-hats

An interesting week. Much of it I have spent buried in video editing and fighting with software and youtube. It is quite galling to spend hours, nay days, making something look and sound beautiful, only to have youtube mangle it. After lots of testing of different video formats and codecs, I managed to get the final uploaded result to come out of youtube almost the same as when it went in. The result is here - - The InifniTri...

Meanwhile, I have received requests for hi-hats from all quarters. Bronze hi-hats, Stainless Steel hi-hats, micro-hats, giant hats and some too bizarre (and too secret) to mention. So, I think the week that remains before the UK National Drum Fair, will consist of mainly making hi-hats and ride cymbals. Hammer-tastic!

Thursday 16 September 2010

New Bronze

3 times my own weight in Bronze arrived the other week - quite a large order! It should keep me going for a while. Some of this is a high Tin content alloy. I have been having great fun working with it. It is quite a lot harder under the hammer but creates beautiful sounding cymbals.

The first of these will be for sale at the NDF in Birmingham the weekend after next.

Sunday 12 September 2010


Right. I'm on a mission. Let's see how long it lasts...

Smaller blog entries. Much more frequently.

Did the London Drum Show at Olympia. Good show. Check. Next up - the UK National Drum Fair in Birmingham. 2 weeks to go. After that, one of the biggies - PASIC in Indianapolis. You have to wait until November for that one.

Last night, I had great fun with Andy Mac the photo / video genius. He shot some gorgeous looking HD footage of my new Symphonic Triangles. We had fun lighting the scene with a candelabra and a propane torch! Later on, I'm going to be breaking out the ribbon mics and the fancy pre-amps to do a soundtrack. I'm looking forward to editing together the most over-the-top promotional video for a small percussion instrument ever made...